Harry x fleur x narcissa fanfiction. " Narcissa said to the group.
Harry x fleur x narcissa fanfiction Harry, Fleur, Ginny, Draco, Neville, and Luna all runaway at age 5. Dec 17, 2021 · Narcissa asks Harry for his help at the Quidditch World Cup, but he's a little reluctant. When Harry shows up for the date, he is surprised to find himself sitting across from the recently divorced Narcissa Black. K ROWLING song lyrics by Adele Adkins Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Drama - Draco M. Narcissa Malfoy had never given her son's rants about the Girl-Who-Lived much credence, and it wasn't until cousin Sirius escaped from Azkaban that she really considered Harriet Potter's place in her world view. Her touch was cool and light, but it sent an inexplicable shiver down his spine. To Harry Potter, love was not an emotion that should be approached in careful degrees and one day he knew that there would be no barriers between him and the one he wanted. milfoy Rating: Fiction M Genre: Humour/Romance Chapters: 2 Words: 15,006 Updated: August 24, 2016 Published: July 3, 2014 Status: Completed Library Category: Romance Pairings: Harry/Narcissa Summary: Harry agrees to do a favour for Draco Malfoy - with delightful results for Draco's mother. Or When Narcissa Black reckoned that it was time to give Harry the answer he waited for. Luckily, I didn't let him go any farther than I was comfortable with. " Option 2: Harry x Fleur OOTP AU, Professor Fleur teaching Harry occlumency - Set during Order of the Phoenix, AU. " Harry interpreted this as no more than innocent hugs and kisses. Peut-être pourra-t-elle les prendre pour exemple pour faire accepter à ses parents sa relation avec Remus. Story has been edited and reuploaded. Mais c'est un moldu. Taking his Ex-girlfriend as his slave, and geting a very attaractive nine year old wife, Harry begins to form his army against those who would stand against him. " Whatever misconceptions Harry had about her immediately dropped. He swallowed hard, willing his thoughts to focus on the excitement of the day ahead. Certes, Lucius est un homme riche, influent, à la tête d'un empire de produits de luxe. She leaned over and whispered something into her daughter's ear. Petit mot de l'auteure : le couple du jour est un James x Peter proposé par le bingo des ships ! Ce texte a été écrit en l'honneur de l'anniversaire de Timothy Spall. Tags. He had become the hunted, and with only his wits, resilience and an ominous raven, he'd had to learn to survive. 10. Try and suspend your disbelief. It's more of a Harry/Hermione/Narcissa thing, but it's interesting. Harry is a prisoner, and Bellatrix has fallen from grace. Pure smut and PWP. Nov 8, 2021 · Narcissa crawled between his legs and lowered her head. Tonks and Bones appeared at Grimmauld Place to find Harry, Bellatrix, and Narcissa still holding their wands at Dumbledore. It was rather fortuitous the Ministry was in a disarray; the charm was not for personal use and was strictly monitored by the Ministry, because of the potential of breaching the Statute of Secrecy. The life of Harry Potter, told in stories to his children and loved ones. " Hermione smiled and gestured to her witches respectively. Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,600 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 175 - Follows: 76 - Published: 11/16/2013 - [Hermione G. "I can't wait until she can feel his love, and Fleur and I can drown him in our love. I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh. Thrown into a war he is clearly not prepared for, Harry, spurred to advance his magical abilities by the tragic events following the closure of his fourth year, takes on old enemies with new friends at his back. After finding her mate Fleur decides on a plan to win the girl over, but when her mates friend is inexplicably entered into the Triwizard Tournament himself, Fleur's plan goes out the window as she decides on a different tactic that starts with helping Harry Potter through the Tournament. La première fois qu'il la voit, Harry se dit que Narcissa Malefoy est une grande dame. , Narcissa M strong, intelligent Harry. Angst. Narcissa scoffed as mutterings came back to her ears of no wake been held, but Narcissa didn't care for what people thought of her now. Prompt: Malfoy Manor. 2. Of Witches and Snitches by DJKopper. Pet Death by JustBored21. She is clearly more than just her looks. Path of Conquest by Itachikage. Tom H. "Goodnight, Harry. https://www. I have been on a kick lately for stories with the Black Sisters but the ones I have found that are decent seem abandoned mostly. Before their three daughters came to this world, Cygnus and Druella had problems to conceive, desperate and running out of ideas, they prayed to an ancient god and their prayers were heard, in the next few years, the couple was blessed with three beautiful girls and with the last one came a prophecy. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Harry P. "That's so wonderful. x-x-x-x-x-x. Dark/grey, strong, intelligent Harry. Fleur a toujours eu la pression de devoir être absolument parfaite en toutes circonstances. Works; Bookmarks Title: Solemnly Swear Genre: Family Pairing: Lucius Malfoy x Narcissa Black Rating: Teen AN: The Houses Competition [Y3] – Round 3, Year 2 – Drabble. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. fanfiction. Fleur beamed at him "Zank you Mon Amour, so 'ow was your day?" as she took his hand under the table intertwining her fingers with his just as the dinner appeared before them. What happens when 6 letters appear in their kitchen 6 years later? What happens when these unloved, abused, and neglected children are reunited with their families? Find out in The Runaways. " A moment later, she was gone, leaving Harry alone with Fleur. Harry's classroom led into his office and once inside Dumbledore closed the door and cast silencing charms upon it. UA Aug 21, 2024 · "Besides," said Cho, "Everyone knows Harry is just here with Fleur because he wants to get in her knickers. Ginny, like most other girls, was also furious. No horcruxes, French!Harry, not-quite-oneshots but we'll call it free range narrative, the Dursley's were moved to France to get Harry Potter out from under Dumbledores control, not realizing that the French government had no intention of giving him back, he goes to Apr 6, 2013 · Narcissa smiled tenderly, as she neared her face to Harry's. I hoped you would have forgave me and would be by my side as I graduate, but if you're reading this, that isn't the case. He expected a saviour, what he got was a damaged boy who has no interest in playing hero for anyone. Hogwarts wasn't going to know what hit it. "Share something with Fleur. 5. ] - Complete Fleur Delacour only sat herself right next to him, completely uninvited. Explicit (211) Mature (36) Teen And Up Audiences (28) Not Rated (17) General Audiences (10) Include Warnings Harry had done some thinking while Narcissa was healing and he had an idea that could be beneficial to the light side. Despite the presence of Death Stick, I wasn't stupid enough to assume I could fight against him, especially when a significant part of the Death Eaters were waiting in the corner. She had been reluctant at first but before the end of the night she had agreed. " Cedric at her side, frowned at her. , Lucius M. "Draco, you should take your goons and leave" said Harry After the graveyard resurrection, Harry wakes with Tom's memories, their minds seeping together like a broken egg yolk. This is a story about the next part of Harry's life, after Hogwarts. Où est passée Bella, sa compagne de jeu si fidèle ? Elle a l'impression d'être seule au monde. Quand Narcissa a vent du mariage entre Sybil et Tom, elle a un regain d'espoir. There was no light, no sound, no indication at all that a spell had been cast, but Harry felt the magic take hold. Looking for any dark!harry fics either paired with someone or not, if paired with someone preferably not hermione, ginny or luna. Unable to ensure his son's safety in the wizarding world he goes into hiding in the muggle one. , Ginny W. Her allure flares a couple of times during dinner, which explains why she was placed next to Anyway, I want you to meet Fleur and Narcissa. Fleur surprend quelques murmures surpris sur son passage – comment cela se fait-il que la personne qui lui soit le plus cher n'est pas quelqu'un qu'elle aime ? "Of course we will join you," he said amiably. " At Harry's expression of incomprehension, Jean-Sebastian let out a few more chuckles and—wiping his eyes—gathered himself to face his ward. " Bellatrix and Narcissa Black although proven spies for the light side are shunned by wizarding society. Harry is a single father trying to raise his godson, Teddy. Harry x Fleur. " "You have a daughter?" She nodded shakily. Aug 24, 2016 · Title: The Favour Author: mrs. I am looking for stories along the lines of Laughing all the way to London, To Bow with Pride, Found in the Ashes, or even Wind Shear. Now, he wanted to live for himself. This is continuation of Harry Potter and the Perils of the Unknown and Harry Potter and the Rise Jun 26, 2013 · Enjoy :) Hermione X Luna X Ginny X Minerva X Cho X Fleur X Gabrielle X Padma X Parvati X Pansy X Lavender X Tonks. What does Harry want? He wants to be left alone. RougeAtomic is a fanfiction author that has written 8 stories for Halo, - Harry x Daphne - Harry x Narcissa - Harry x Fleur - Harry x Amelia - Naruto x Tsunade Harry shrugged "No astrology and I am done with most of my assignments for the week, so why not?" with a smile on his face and he gave her thigh a squeeze. Mar 28, 2018 · After the escape, I had found myself in front of Voldemort and Death Eaters. could Voldemort already be inside? Harry with the help of Narcissa Malfoy time travels to past to change the future and save the wizarding world. Feb 19, 2025 · Fleur is back from France, everyone knows Voldemort just won't die and Harry is trying to work out the best way to prove who is a hidden death eater and who isn't. I must admit that I was a bit fearful. Fluff. UA. " May 23, 2022 · The ceremony was ending, standing she watched many people file out straight to the apparition point. Harry sneezed and used his elemental ability to blast himself backwards, breaking the hold of Crabbe. "Sectumsempra!" Harry shouted with anger brimming in his voice. Même s'il voit Drago baisser sa baguette, Albus sait qu'il a échoué à l'essentiel : protéger cet enfant des influences du mal. "Well, for one, Harry," she began, "much like me, he likes to cook the Muggle way. , Fleur D. Her grey eyes widened. Harry looked at Fleur and they both grinned at the blonde. "I'm not sure but did Tonks go home last night," Harry asked as he couldn't really recall much of the previous night's conversation and did remember asking if she was heading home but Harry hesitated, but Narcissa gave him a small smile, guiding him to the doorway with a gentle hand on his shoulder. A sharp and sudden change that can have devastating effects. As a member of the board of governors, it was his duty to attend balls thrown by the headmaster, Minerva McGonagall. net/s/13851529/1/Narcissa-Black-Lord-Potter-s-Concubine. Now Harry Potter will face a new challange, living the rest of his life. The moment the chaos of the rescue subsided, Hermione turned to Narcissa, her chest heaving from the adrenaline and sheer relief. , OC - Chapters: 12 - Words: 124,089 - Reviews: 105 - Favs: 1,129 - Follows: 1,279 - Updated: 1/8/2022 Fleur shouted, grabbing Narcissa's hand while Hermione steadied herself trying to stop the bleeding. Fleur however was instead holding a fireball in her palm and was staring at the headmaster in abject fury. Most are over 5,000 words with a few one shots sprinkled in and some novel sized fics. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter; Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter; Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter; Harry Potter/Lily Evans Potter AU. Jan 15, 2020 · But for Harry, Narcissa was in the Infirmary with Madame Pomfrey, Fleur was standing next to him at the time, and Luna was spinning in circles in a hallway. Quand Narcissa entend les échos des actes de Bellatrix, elle frissonne. The other side had nothing for her. Two tables close to the dais were reserved for close family. Veela Mate-Bond . Various pairings, not all canon compliant, and prompted. Then he realised where the spell made impact, the head and neck of Lucius Malfoy simply slid off of him and made a solid thump! Once it hit the ground, Narcissa gave out a cry as Harry ran after the Various Canon characters, whether together or not, written originally for the HP Humpdrabbles on LJ or for Tumblr. He looked at Harry. She knew it was only a matter of time before she married someone she didn't like just like her oldest sister or ran away like her other sister. HP/GD so you know, prepare yourself and deal with it. Fleur narrowed her eyes at Hermione, her mood going sub-zero. This is my first non fetish Harry Potter fanfic, and considering I had a few ideas regarding the series: Harry x Hermione x Harem. Hermione shook Narcissa's hand and then their eyes caught and then Hermione nodded and then Narcissa seemed to understand, and let her hand go with a pout. You can come out," Harry said, his tone not carrying even the slightest hint of surprise, indicating he didn't just get aware of her presence. Be a gentleman. Finally Narcissa rolled off of Harry, trying in vain to regain her usual regal composure. All Harry ever wanted was to be happy, when it got to the final task he stumbled upon a blonde-haired, blue-eyed veela. He wanted Narcissa to return to Malfoy Manor and be a spy for them. "Non," she said, shaking her head in disbelief. Harry and Hermione are Soulmates (The Afterlife exists, therefore Heaven, Hell or whatever you believe in must exist, therefore soul mates gotta be a thing. "He is. The two discovered something in the maze, they found each other. , Narcissa M. " "Now, how exactly did you learn to cook the 'Muggle way'?" Harry asked, still surprised by how Narcissa was so adept at using an oven and Muggle kitchen equipment. A/N: sucky summary but read the story Lord Peverell-Black is an avid fanfiction reader and an - Published: 8/27/2018 - Harry P. Narcissa had wanted the Granger's there, she wanted Hermione to really enjoy her birthday and so far they had had fun. Harry looked at the girls, very impressed on how they looked and how they were taking the situation. Harry was sure she would succeed. Harry says he'll take my daughter too, to make us a family again. Enough of the lies, the manipulations, and the backstabbing. , James P. With both of them completely naked Fleur lies on top of Harry with his cock between her thighs and her breasts against his chest they both begin to make out. during all this something is happening at Hogwarts. Richardson has 'Narcissa Black, Lord Potter's Concubine'. Ch. "Actually," I replied, "Fleur and I thought it would be lovely idea to go together because we are both constantly being stared at. On ne touche pas à son protégé ! 7. Après la guerre, Harry était allé remercier Narcissa d'avoir mentit pour lui. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Harry and Fleur had apparated back to 12 Grimmauld Place and she was currently in the library, reading up on the histories of various dark lords: their actions, their choices, their downfalls. Harry/Bellatrix, Grey Harry, Evil Dumbledore, AD/MM bashing. It was another end-of-year ball, and Lucius was already growing bored. I can swear to you that nothing happened, but it won't change that she did kiss me and Bellatrix did witness it. "In fact you should take half of the tray," he said smirking. Harry groaned as Andromeda moved her hand to let her sister deepthroat his cock. Right now, Lucius thought he'd rather be ill then here. Hearing Harry finally lose the battle to keep his voice quiet, Fleur internally cheered as she started bobbing her head faster, determined to make him finish inside of her mouth. Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (921) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (277) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (248) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (189) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (161) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (154) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (152) Gabrielle Delacour/Harry Potter (100) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (82) Cho Chang/Harry Potter (69) Jul 6, 2022 · A collection of Harry/Fleur pairings. "We need to get him home, I believe he's got a concussion. Apolline looking over his shoulder the entire time while gently rubbing circles on his back. Wanting to keep an eye on Harry, but knowing that he doesn't trust his older Professors enough, Dumbledore hires a certain French Veela as the newest Hogwarts Professor, and charges her with getting to know Harry Fanfics rated T or M featuring one or more of the Black sisters as the main characters. "Well, that was… interesting," Harry said, breaking the silence. Jan 22, 2018 · Things to know in this story I've written. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort kills Lucius Malfoy for desertion. "And, uh, why do the gods want me to go to England again?" Fleur giggles and begin to strock Harry "Fleur, it feels good" Harry groans, Fleur smiles and begins to remove her pants and panties. Par la suite, il se dira que si elle est chic, elle n'a rien de grand. Harry never felt so awkward in his life. "And keep your hands off him. "I'll hold you to that promise, Harry," she remarked. "This seems a little… extreme," Percy understated it. Bellatrix and Narcissa were back at Hogwarts and Hela was somewhere around the house. Harry had brought over a cake and Percy was showing off his new business robes. "You misunderstood me, 'arry," Fleur started, "I meant that you are far too young to be in zis tournament. Trembling as Narcissa's soft lips and warm tongue slid down the shaft of his enormous erection, he threaded his fingers through her thick, blonde hair and allowed her to set the pace. " I'm going to get a pregnancy test after work from the potions store," Fleur growled, " You are going to meet me after work and pay for it. Fleur smiled gladly and kissed both Veronica and Frank's cheeks but Narcissa looked considerably more uncomfortable. May 24, 2021 · Two years after the Battle of Hogwarts a lonely, unhappy Harry Potter decides to try the new wizard matchmaking service, that everyone claims can't fail. - Words: 1,391 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 1 - Published: 10/1 A few minutes later Harry had snuck up to the house, he dropped onto his stomach by the door. The world around him had crumbled as the Ministry fell. Twenty-nine days later, Queen Elizabeth ends the Treaty of Separation of Magical Britain from Nonmagical Britain. Theme: Family. Sweet dreams. (Harry X Multi, Lemons) Feb 9, 2018 · Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (922) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (277) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (248) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (189) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (161) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (154) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (152) Gabrielle Delacour/Harry Potter (100) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (82) Cho Chang/Harry Potter (69) Jan 30, 2017 · SavageViper is a fanfiction author that has 12/8/2022 - Published: 8/27/2018 - Harry P. "A lot has changed since we talked last, Hermione," Fleur said as she sipped the white wine. " Harry was glaring daggers at his godfather. Primarily ships Bellatrix/Voldemort, Bellatrix/Snape, Narcissa/Snape, and/or Narcissa/Lucius. Wind Shear by Chilord. Harry and Bellatrix took a shotgun, putting ammo in them as well as putting in some extra ammunition in Harrys bag. Harry knew she was right, he sat up sluggishly and summoned some ink and parchment to pen his response. Probably will update this community in bursts, apologies in advance for the notification waves. Memories of spells and battle, domination and lust. 120 - Ron x Work Search tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. They lay together in a pile of their own fluids, both panting and trying to recover. By then, Harry Potter has a wife (Hermione), a concubine (Narcissa), lordship of twenty Houses and custody of Voldemort's daughter Delphini. Fleur's face went slack and her eyes glazed over after a brief struggle to gain control of her mind. Pretty much AU. I'm doing a lot of writing right now, more than I should from my publisher's perspective. " Harry said, his wand aimed at Fleur's chest. 6. Laughing All the Way to London by AppoApples. Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter. Harry flinched back when he realized how close she was. Harry sits between Narcissa and Dominique, with suits Harry just fine. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,213 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 212 - Follows: 280 - Updated: 1/4/2023 The war is over. Nov 26, 2016 · It was a disaster. Ce texte a été écrit en l'honneur de l'anniversaire de Timothy Spall. He knew what he was trying to do. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter; Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter; Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter; Harry Potter/Lily Evans Potter Whispers of a Raven by TheBlack'sResurgence. Narcissa took the shock gun, and Fleur and Tonks armed themselves with the dart guns, each taking five darts. Elle l'avait invité à prendre un thé et depuis, il s'y rend une fois par mois. Extending his hand, his wand flew into his hand and Harry turned his attention back to his 'professor' with his wand pointed at her face. F is for Fleur Delacour (Harry Potter) A/N: Yes, I know that this takes place in 1994 in HP and the 2010s in PJO. 1. Fleur glared at Narcissa and then to their hands, and thought of Hermione's words. Harry, on the other hand, recalled the House Elf quarters in the Tower of High Sorcery, and felt that he would be best served by acquiring a couple for All Charcter's belong to J. Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (309) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (101) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (100) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (86) Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (86) Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Harry Potter (83) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (64) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (63) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (59) Pansy Parkinson/Harry Fleur raced to Harry's side, along with Narcissa, Tonks, and Bellatrix. K Rowling and song lyrics to Seether and Amy Lee. Bill handed him Victoire. Harry merely ducked down and retaliated in rage at being interrupted once again. Ginny and Ron were joking and for a moment it didn't look like someone was missing. "So, I see you have been subjected to the infamous Fleur mask of arrogance. I'm keeping him too busy with real books apparently. His son Draco, had rightfully elected not to return to Hogwarts and Narcissa was at home with an illness. "Okay, Tonks. Percy stared in silent dismay as Chiron finished his brief speech. , Sirius B. after a little persuasion, Narcissa works her way into his life, and now everything is about to change. Feeling his member start to twitch, she pulled her lips off with a small 'Pop!' before grabbing it and jerking him off as she spoke up from her position between his legs. Eet is clear you did not put your name in. Fleur looked unusually tired having opted for more casual clothes. Once gone, Harry dimmed the lights even more and pulled the covers over their naked bodies. "Help!" Harry called out. Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,600 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 173 - Follows: 76 - Published: 11/16/2013 - [Hermione G. ) OP!Harry Smart!Harry Rich!Harry SexGod!Harry this is a smut fic with a semblance of plot (it's a basic fan enablement fic lets say), On Hiatus, Writers block is a bitch. To get back the respect the once had they come up with a plan. , Bellatrix L. Fleur's jaw dropped, and her wide eyes darted between Harry, Narcissa, and Draco. When a Harry Potter that didn't follow the path of the Epilogue finds himself suddenly thrown into 1970, he settles into a muggle pub to enjoy a nice drink and figure out what he should do with the situation. , Narcissa M grey, strong, intelligent Harry. Broken Lucissa. Enjoy :) Hermione X Luna X Ginny X Minerva X Cho X Fleur X Gabrielle X Padma X Parvati X Pansy X Lavender X Tonks. No I'm not abandoning any story for this one. Rowling (17) Include Characters Fleur Delacour (16) Hermione Granger (13) Draco Malfoy (5) Harry Potter (5) Ginny Weasley (4) Ron Weasley (4) Bellatrix Black Lestrange (4) Narcissa Black Malfoy (4) Luna Lovegood (3) Lucius Malfoy (3) Include Relationships Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger (9) Adversity Breeds Excellence by BeeeTeee. A plan to make Hermione Granger muggle born witch the new Heard of Household for the House of Black. 120 - Ron x Include ? Include Ratings . Harry's had enough. Harry let his emerald optics turn slightly to take in the small beauties of the world around him while he got the chance. Also any harry x bellatrix/narcissa/tonks fics the best one i've read was: survivors of isla sorna linkffn(4396062) Dubiously regarding his companion, Harry responded, "Fleur respects me?" Jean-Sebastian let out a loud laugh and shook his head. Some of her fury was directed at Harry Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (909) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (273) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (247) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (187) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (159) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (153) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (148) Gabrielle Delacour/Harry Potter (97) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (80) Cho Chang/Harry Potter (69) My dearest Narcissa, I dreaded writing this note because well, I simply didn't want to write it. I want to hold you high and steal your pain away Elle ne devrait pas perdre autant ses moyens face à Ombrage mais quand elle l'entend remettre en doute le projet de Harry, elle ne peut que sortir de ses gonds. Various Canon characters, whether together or not, written originally for the HP Humpdrabbles on LJ or for Tumblr. Bellatrix took Harry's hand and with a pop the pair vanished. Main pairing will be Harry Potter and Gabrielle Delacour. One-shot Harry/Fleur. "Why don't you use our dirty little voyeur instead," Fleur added, pecked Harry's lips, and disappeared with a crack of apparition. It also gives him the opportunity to make the acquaintance of the young and enigmatic Bellatrix Black as they change the course of history. K. Together, they fled the manor, Draco appearing as they met up with Harry and Ron outside. "Somebody help me!" Seconds later two people came out, one adult female and another adult male, Harry assumed that this was the target. She jabbed Hermione in the chest with a finger. My eldest, Fleur. Gabrielle rose onto her tiptoes and pressed a light, innocent kiss to Harry's lips. Bill proudly presented his daughter to the family. Will have my own characters starting from chapter 26. Amour. The soft hues of the starlit night sky bedazzled the streets of Privet Drive, illuminating the world for the residents to see, assisting the street lights to illuminate the otherwise dull suburban area. Power beyond measure - and he was going to use it. "Imperio. A variety of solo Harry/Fleur and Harry/Multi with ratings ranging from K to M. "Soon, Narcissa, very soon," Fleur whispered as they looked at the other couple walking out of the room. " Narcissa blinked. It was odd, controlling another person. Bellatrix hadn't noticed that her glamour had dropped, and for the moment no one else had, they were too focused on Harry. As her orgasm finally came to an end, Narcissa collapsed on top of Harry, her thick cock slipping out of his hole and allowing a river of her cum to pour out. "Why don't you take the tray for Fleur. " The woman said, she and he husband grabbed Harry and took . She vaguely remembered Lily Potter from her days at Hogwarts when she was still known as Lily Evans. Il n'y a qu'avec Gabrielle qu'elle arrive à se détendre et être elle-même. She still sent her answer on time and went to the library to research. Sep 3, 2021 · Harry Potter - J. short snippet of Lucius and NArcissa life during the final battle, and after it! based around the song skyfall by Adele All characters belong to J. " She strode past Fleur, swatting her older sister playfully on the rear. Narcissa knew that her life wasn't going to be like a fairy tale. The accidental activation of Bella's treasured heirloom results in another chance for Harry. " Apolline smiled broadly. " Narcissa said to the group. Dumbledore, Hermione, select Weasley bashing. "Oh my, let's get him inside. Draco burst into laughter, and Narcissa smiled warmly between Fleur and Harry. " Mar 14, 2002 · As the feast ended, Dumbledore beckoned to him, "Professor Fawkes, would you please follow me to your office?" Harry rose and followed the Headmaster towards the Hufflepuff wing and then up a flight of stairs to the fourth floor. Jul 6, 2018 · Narcissa found herself in a white room, watching as a dark-haired woman passed the baby to a strangely familiar red-haired woman. It cannot be. Mot tiré au hasard [Chat noir] Harry s'attendait à ce que son patronus prenne la forme d'un cerf, comme l'animagus de son père. While Harry was being congratulated, the chairs have been removed, and a number of tables for eight people replaces them. Narcissa was surprised to see her sister Andromeda, who stayed at the back of the funeral. ] - Complete Hermione was almost finished with packing her trunk. 129 -131 - Ron x Hermione; 128 - Harry & Ginny; 126 & 127 - Ron & Hermione; 125 - Percy x Audrey; 122-124 - Ginny x Luna; 121 - Harry x Ginny x Luna; Ch. This archive was formally centered around our favorite Wizard's Bookworm best friend and sister-in-all but blood, Hermione Granger and her relationships with the infamous Black sisters, Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa. She put in her last book, silently thanking the one who had invented Capacious extremis, the Extension charm. "Zis is not possible. tubd hdlvnf bloht pfdc adup lxcrez gomufet jcvlf kppmpw ygezlcs whsmq biace czfjtt mdasf iqia