
Plce webbing loadout reddit. 337K subscribers in the airsoft community.

Plce webbing loadout reddit Something like tailored PLCE stuff have sewn on pouches on a wide belt pad. The 1958 webbing was almost as old as the Queen for crying out loud. Reply I've got a set of 95 pattern plce webbing with all pouches buckled and brand new roll pin belt. Please read the rules, Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar! Gear wise a chicom of lifchik would be a great choice, you could probably run ALICE or PLCE webbing too. Don’t have much xp with other lbe but I really dig my plce. They have plenty of benefits than the “factory” issued stuff. Tailored PLCE webbing like Jay Jay’s, dragonsupplies, marauder tactical, kitpimpetc are quite nice and light, although not as modular. Webbing weight 20lb with water. 164 votes, 21 comments. The spearheading infantry would start being equipped with the M62 camouflage uniforms right away, but the other forces would be equipped with the old M36 uniforms until the 1970's - my father used the M36 as the field uniform in the Coastal Artillery as late as mid 1980's (they were issued M62 too, but they weren't used often to avoid excess wear). The Immobile suit is a personal favorite of mine for monster/robot themes so that an option (Halloween restricted tho), sleeveless in Siberia is something to consider (painted something light to pop better), consider painting your virtual viewfinder aged moustache grey, it blends nicely with your paint choice on the safeguard (in loadout. Please read the rules, Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar! Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. There is a specific PLCE holster that will fit most full size 9mm handguns. The belt is somewhere between 2-2. Thanks all1 I'd go with a PLCE Webbing set (brit version of the ALICE webbing, I guess); you don't want anything restricting your front when you go prone, so keep all your gear on your sides/back. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Posted by u/Japseye98 - 1 vote and 4 comments So im currently running a PLCE rig over my MEPC which is slick besides 3 mags on the front but I'm wanting to setup to something a bit more modern than the surplus PLCE. Very light too since it’s a web belt with integrated pouches. 15 votes, 48 comments. Small utility pouches are added in front of the mag pouches. Save yourself the trouble and money, just order a tailored webbing from JayJays. The top, easier to read, lettering I'm pretty confident in saying is a rank and initials of the soldier who was last issued this webbing. PLCE webbing, set up for 48 hour sustainment, the 10L pack contains warm kit/wet kit and a poncho for shelter. . Not even a surplus standard complete PLCE kit should cost that much. The PLCE webbing definitely seems to pack a lot more internal volume than its German and American counterparts, which is why I decided to opt for it. I use an old British set of PLCE - Webbing, essentailly, adjusted to how I'm wanting to use it - as extra storage space aside from my plate carrier: 4x Triple Stack STANAG pouches (easier to use as doubles/grenade pouch, but can fit three) in sets of two, one on my left hip to carry ammo, and one behind my right hip to carry grenades Now I feel kinda targeted. First impressions: comfort and capacity over a chest rig are both improved greatly. If you decide to keep it, tailoring will bring some pluses depending on what you want out of it. Jayjays and dragons webbing can be found on eBay secondhand. This will not work without suspenders / webbing harness and also you shouldn't use a pistol belt - they are made to be stiff and it'll be uncomfortable sitting above your hips with a lot of load they'll dig in - get something more floppy, or something more padded like a battle belt. It did feel comfortable and the the adjustable cbund actually felt nice to me, but the shoulders were just too clunky and I’m sure it’ll run hot and stink like no other with all that padding. There is also modern PLCE style Brit kit out there, both MOLLE and fixed pouch, and the fixed pouch stuff is cheap as well. With the PLCE webbing setup m you can get you by for 24 hours on it alone, granted it also depends on what clothing you’re wearing too. Forms a shelf to integrate almost seamlessly with ruck. Kitpimp Commanders Webbing ~ $225 (MTP) all in. The finish is super matter comes in every military colour you could ever want. Tailored PLCE or most other modern webbing is quick adjust though, simply by tugging on the belt strap. Too large and loose to carry sensitive or mission-specific kit —webbing: 3-4GP pouches are large enough for sustainment, but small enough for pyro, STANO, demo, fighting load refit, etc. The Alice webbing and Alice pack has worked well for decades and so there shouldn’t be any reason why it wouldn’t work with the PLCE webbing which is very similar itself. If you want something more modern you can build one or take a look at the warrior assult systems options, they're very nice PLCE is much better designed than many other types of webbing. I've been itching for a plce set for a while since Florida is akin to the areas Yall train and use this gear for over there. I would also recommend scouring pintrest and Google for photos of Alice gear set ups: I'm sure you aren't the first to attach the holster you want, maybe someone else found a way. I doubt you would even need that load out. They can fit fucking anything in there. Tactical walls has a nice wall mount plate carrier rack and it’s on sale now for 55. This system, after having been introduced to the forces in the year 1960, and considered long outdated by the year 1980, was still being part of the standard issue equipment of the British Armed Forces during the Falklands Conflict in the year 1982. Allows for the carry of 24hr kit on the belt and you can still wear a ruck with it. I very much love my Jay Jay's Gen IV commander's webbing but ordered one of these (in God's Plaid of course) to see if I like it better. Please read the rules, Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar! Posted by u/Sad_Jicama_5584 - No votes and 6 comments I have a jayjay's commander's webbing and a TCA replica PRC152. Do I need a separate yoke to attach the PLCE "rocket pouch" as a daypack? Pretty much stitched/“tailored” PLCE webbing. The question came to me, when I saw pics of British soldiers in the Middle East wearing their Osprey Body armor on top of their issued Plce-webbing. For all things airsoft. The new Smersh rig sort of looks like PLCE. 50 on eBay, an absolute steal. The buttpack isn’t something you should be accessing on a whim. Mag pouches are possible but you'd have to get the lid/flap tailored. Virtus isn’t as good as PLCE on the whole. Currently use mines with the surplus DPM yoke (harness) but there’s more modular alternatives like (but not limited to) the one Jayjay’s makes. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. That includes webbing and daysack as you can't get wet and warm kit into webbing pouches. It is also much cheaper than modern battle belts whilst still having the same functionality. For the record, if you ever want to upgrade grab yourself a set of surplus British PLCE webbing. I took a set and made a Franken-rig out of PLCE and some ALICE stuff and it’s the tits. 259K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. Please read the rules, Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar! Skip to main content. Sort of. As for it being based off of PLCE, I wouldn't go that far. That's an uncommon load for civilians, so generally speaking it's a military orientated design. This is my loadout: light armor, 2x large magazine pouches, M4A1 with gyrostabilizer, m5 bayonet, any scope that let's you see far out, vertical grip and then I fill my inventories full of magazines. There are modernized versions especially coming from the UK where the pouches are directly sewn onto a wide hippo pad in a standardized arrangement and uses fastex/ITW style buckles instead of the Spanish clips. Personally I prefer the DPM combat smock However I’m working on building out a “lite” webbing (kinda like the Dragon Supplies lite ops belt) and the 4-point would be fine. I'd say either go the surplus route and get a PLCE or LC2 and just like an ALICE pack do some basic mods to make it nice and roll with that- it's actually quite common for people to hike this way. That’s a good point, the Siege-R is designed for entry teams, not so much a balanced endurance loadout. If you're using brand name kit you'll be looking at $800+. Silky Pocket boy Long hank of Green Paracord. The quality of construction is also much better. I use vallejo spray paint in the large cans. What I do recommend is checking out the Jayjay’s commander’s webbing and get their XS sized commander’s webbing. It was an popular choice if they could could get away with it. They had the same problem that they were designed for men. 337K subscribers in the airsoft community. If you look around you can get a full set for under $100 including the pad, which is a steal considering you're usually looking at four mag pouches, two GP, and a canteen pouch. The full webbing should be (pouches, left to right) : ammo (double) - water bottle - utility - (utility) - water bottle - ammo (double). They do make a molle hybrid version called the chameleon which is basically fixed rear pouches with molle on the sides to outfit whatever mag and utility pouches you see fit. I originally used issued PLCE webbing system and then bought my own ATS set. Once you have it set, it stays there with no ability to readjust to weight loss or such. Just the regular issue bergens will be fine though. I have since sold the PLCE, only because I use AK's and sold my L85. I would disagree with the other comments. I don’t know if I’m a convert to webbing/beltkit, but it definitely shows its merits. How easy is the velocity harness adjustable on the fly? The reason why I like the PLCE harness is because you could tug or loosen the front quick and easy like a backpack, on the move to shift weight around. Personally I think the British PLCE is nicer in some ways. And I thought that it makes some sense, since you could ditch the weight of the body armor in a flight situation, yet still have your webbing gear with all your ammo, your IFAK and whatnot, to survive. Ruck w/ plce webbing vs chest rig Hi, trying to find what works and looking for experience from anyone that have been rucking using a chest rig and ruck with hip belt and also rucking with having the ruck sit on the plce webbing back pouches. For the buttpack, if it has D rings, thats all you need. If you're looking for a belt kit thats comfortable and sensible, look to the UK webbing options, and used PLCE as well. If you want to wear it under you armor just swap the harness out for something with less padding like a PLCE harness or webbing suspenders. PLCE looks set up for 48 hours (2 double ammo pouches, canteen, and 2 utility, for rations, IFAC etc) Reply reply 326K subscribers in the airsoft community. Reply reply PearlButter Thanks for pointing the ALICE adapter out, but not really what I am looking for. I run a PLCE Webbing set with a backpack for Milsims. If you've the cash, LBT makes great H harnesses and chest rigs in addition to all the chest rigs available and used here. Easy to source and affordable. With a few notable exceptions, the Danish m/96 webbing is a faithful copy of the British PLCE 88/90. It also frees the Strapped slots on your legs so you can have a scabbard or canteen if you so desire. I also have the rocket side pouch on the back to make it a 72hr kit Reply Have the Alice pick sit on top of the rear utility pouches of the PLCE webbing. Pouch 1. The British have something called a short back Bergen, as an alternative to the Alice pack. I've recently purchased a set of PLCE and have found in the bottom a strap I can't… There is no "best LBE". We're taking 35+ lbs. Or you could use tape. Or go the super nice premium option and get a solid color Mayflower Jungle Kit or JaysJays webbing. It's hard to tell if he's also wearing a plce yoke under his chest rig. I like webbing because they can hold a lot of ammo and a day or day and a half of sustainment and the weight is distributed between your hips and shoulders, which is much nicer than putting everything on your shoulder. Might help if you get a sternum strap for the Alice pack shoulder straps. You'll end up spending less for an inferior product. Armour is rarely used, armor is expensive, but if you wanted then something like an old PASGT Flak Vest or other old school/civi crap that you find floating around. You like carrying flares? Get vest webbing black/brown and stick your flares in there that's what I do. Can be expanded with something called a “bum roll”. Oct 12, 2024 · The PLCE webbing system had replaced the Type 58 Pattern webbing, which was Olive (OD/OG) in colour and made of Canvas material. )) from 4 Torso, 5 Leg encumbrance to just 4-5 Torso encumbrance. I used a twin needle harness, and you can run the ptt cable up one of the suspender webbing things, through some of those elastic ring things. Woodland training event got us back to our roots. Kitpimp and Jayjay’s commanders webbing, for sup’ed up PLCE kit. My current set up. PLCE Bergen is a good bit of kit on its own, especially when you zip the third rocket pouch on the front. Not saying Alice is not usable though, they’re still plentiful and good entry into gear. They are very cheap second hand and sturdy pieces of kit. Business, Economics, and Finance. Thank you!! I almost went with the whole black pipe with shelf but I already had the wood to make this so I went with it. I understand the models lacked webbing and pouches for an asthetic and scaling point of view (too small to do without making them a nightmare to handle and paint, all the while making the model "ugly") but with these Primaris being "truescale" compared to guard and able to take webbing and such it begs the question. Ehh, Lochkoppel is kinda mid. r/tacticalgear A chip A close button A chip A close button My reasoning to go for the C2R or anything similar to Jay Jay’s sup-ed up webbing is because the design is lighter since the pouches are sewn on, and at the same time the pouches are sewn onto what is essentially a hippo pad. Jajaysbrecon and dragon supplies are the best websites for webbing in the UK hands down. Webbing systems are still very relevant but the Alice is dated while there are more refined alternatives. As another poster has said there is also the PLCE harness which was used by British forces and carries the same amount of AR mags. I am a woman and have used battle belts/webbing systems in the field and really struggled. I made my own helmet scrim using a British surplus Virtus scrim net with strips of an Amazon camo veil and ripstop Multicam fabric tied to the netting. I have one, it’s nice and has my only set of ICW hard and soft armor. Not very ideal for vehicle ops but great for foot stuff. The old PLCE webbing is decent and also can be found on eBay for cheaper. This takes a full combat-ready loadout (pistol, knife, and an item with the BELT_LOOP flag (hatchet, crowbar, ice axe, crash axe, etc. Probably, webbing would probably be more of a Ukrainian thing though because it’s DPM, but I’d imagine some pro-Russians would’ve gotten some. I’ve got the money for a set of webbing, NSN 999-G0-009-2899, which is approved by the UK for cadets. The problem with Alice is that they can’t be adjusted on the move. Please read the rules, Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar! PLCE webbing is very good, the modularity of it makes it extremely useful. Executed a pretty hasty area recon, so I got to test out the Crossfire DZ Rig. The well used stuff still had plenty of wear left. Knowledge gained from the internet from clowns doesn’t help. This would also serve as a guide for how to set up webbing for airsoft. I like the British PLCE, but just a surplus alice LBE is still a very nice option. You can probably find a mounting plate from safariland to fit their owb holsters or modify something to fit. I picked up one a few years ago for £12. Or you can use the dragon supplies custom builder and build a webbing kit specifically for hiking than trying to repurpose the sewn-on pouches on regular webbing. Jay Jays webbing vs battle-belt based kit Has anyone used aftermarket British kit? I’m tempting to find a set of Jay Jay’s commander webbing after spending nearly a grand on different options to experiment with while trying to put together a similar setup. Yeah I had one delivered and returned it a day later. Jun 3, 2009 · I'm not sure why webbing seems so popular as a method of carrying kit in the civilian world?? In most respects a Daysack or Bergan is better and more practical and comfy. US military forces were still using webbing in combat zones into the mid 2000s and in training til 2010 (some ROTC only moved away from webbing in the past few years). If you mix everything up just vote the color of your plate carrier and/or chest rig. Henry lever action . And place the ptt on a loop on the front of the webbing harness. Something like PLCE or SMERSH are the most modern sustainment belt kits that have seen actual combat. The belt is a British plce belt and the pouches are a pair of plce universal ammo pouches In dpm camo. I have the Mk6 Helmet for this kit, I also have several sets of PLCE webbing. 22 Leather belt with my belt knife. DPM is an excellent choice, it works extremely well in New England. I'll also note that you posted an image of some aftermarket rig with Fastex fasteners while issue PLCE uses 'Spanish fly' fasteners and therefore looks more like this. Also can't run webbing like that without a short back ruck that sits on the rear pouches. JayJays of Brecon, and Dragon are some of the best for Brit PLCE. The set I received was a mix of well used and new items. 47 votes, 20 comments. It's not that the belt setup is shit, it's that the way the US fights insurgents doesn't require sustainment kit. 308 rig personally I'd go for a Swedish Pattern 304 webbing (either that or just throw its mag pouches on an ALICE belt lmao) and as for running 5. The core of the system is the belt. Only have Jayjay’s and PLCE webbing, and a Alice type webbing. The rocket pouches also connect to the back of the body armor. 267K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. Got it thru USpatriottsxtical so I hope the return goes well. What did you upgrade? 35 votes, 11 comments. They do not however do buttpacks on most of their PLCE. Posted by u/backcountry57 - 2 votes and 4 comments 127 votes, 32 comments. It's generally in its power band running a really heavy loadout, like you'll find on manpack radios, M249/Mk48 gunners, or dudes rolling heavy with breaching equipment. Webbing: jayJays commanders belt, molle harness, and bumroll. If you need something on the cheap then the good ol alice webbing or surplus British DPM/MTP PLCE webbing topped off with a hippo pad is a good option. Rifle is one of many I can use. They replaced it with a surprisingly modern belt system that still holds up today. PLCE is great 'cause you can wear your pouches where you want. As soon as it did anything it would move off my hips onto my waist /ribs area. How’d you get the utility pouches around the harness ring on the belt? Where’d you find the utility pouches? Mine only came with two and I’d like to have the third. Civilian tactical habits followed the phase out of webbing for tac vests and then plate carriers. Multicam, helmet scrim, and PLCE webbing. I use a PLCE webbing set up, 2 double ammo pouches, holster, canteen, first aid and utility pouch. Air Cadet Webbing Setup and Load Out: This is how i have set up my PLCE webbing with fieldcraft in mind. I have a jayjay’s commanders webbing and a Alice (with medium bag) to confirm it works. Jan 5, 2022 · Lots of ways, I've had good luck running large belt rigs with armor. Modularity is nice but molle webbing is extra weight (usually) and more flop compared to webbing that has pouches directly sewn onto a wide belt pad. Then comment saying if you wear similar… Honestly one of the better and more realistic kits I have seen on this sub, only thing I'd change is the canteen for a clear canteen and the optic on your rifle for something with more magnification since you are running a 20" barrel. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Tailored/stitched/custom mod PLCE would make more sense to be up near $200 though. Also considerably cheaper than the velocity systems kit. Really it sounds like a balancing issue, so hopefully you don’t need to change out any hardware. Quality sewn-in unit, not modular, waterproofing, looks heavy but strong JayJay’s Commander’s Webbing ~$300 all in (if you can find it). Main thing is the Jay Jay's gen 4 Commander's webbing version of the classic British PLCE. Reply reply Multicam, helmet scrim, and PLCE webbing You could look at British PLCE or if you have the money there is the Velocity Systems Jungle Kit. The pouches won't properly fit the 152 as they are. In an attempt to save face I will clarify that this type of webbing was not very common until 2013/2014, several israeli, russian, swedish and german harnesses were around at the same time prior to 2014 standardization. Wrong. Have a Ontario bayonet on one side. Same goes for tailored webbing which you can also find in the links above. My med kit does look suspiciously similar to that one but with much more modern gear. The daysack and Bergen don’t fit as much in, and the webbing can’t hold as much kit as the PLCE webbing. I understand that these probably aren’t designed for combat, but is there any reason to not use it? I don’t know what the cadets go through in the slightest, but I’d assume the webbing would be put under fair stress? I am a left handed shooter and am struggling to find a holster for my pistol. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now upgraded PLCE webbing Gear/Equipment Now compatible with inner belt Locked post. Misc pouches you can look into repurposing an Esstac to hold a multi tool or another TQ but there are specific pouches for those too. I had a modern version of British PLCE webbing and it was incredible until I wanted to wear it with a PC, then it became a game of “where are these suspenders going to rub me raw today?” Between the 4 large pouches on the back of the webbing I had everything I could conceivably need for a continuous 24 hour period without the need for a pack. Plus the retention system on the old PLCE webbing is annoying to work with because the Velcro doesn’t always work. And if you email them for an exact camo they will give you the closest paints they have for each shade. Plce>Alice/lbv all day. Feel… Basically it’s got the same stitched rear utility/canteen pouches but the sides are molle, so you can outfit them with admin pouches, or additional utility pouches of choice. You should always have at least 24 hours worth of stuff on you. New setup for HD. Most webbing kits haven’t really changed too much but the construction and material have. If you can, find someone who makes custom webbing. Hope this helps. If you want a Vietnam War loadout, go to r/impression_kits and find a post of someone with a Vietnam War loadout, per rules of the subreddit they will have a complete list with all the components in the comments As for webbing, an M-1956 rig is historically correct, as well as the best rig of any kind you're ever going to own (I use mine full-time except when running the Thompson). Yoke is thin enough to run under armor comfortably too. Oct 5, 2024 · The PLCE waist belt is sturdy, but the issued plastic quick-release buckle tends to slip on the nylon webbing and allow the belt to lengthen in an annoying and uncomfortable fashion. British PLCE or their version of Load Bearing Equipment is pretty solid. There are also “tailored” British PLCE webbing which you can find on eBay or kitmonster or other UK trade/surplus sites. My pistol is in a quick access safe next to the bed, belt is in the drawer of the nightstand with 1 mag and the shells in it, shotty is in the safe in the closet, so the pistol is still the primary in case of an “Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit” moment. 352K subscribers in the airsoft community. Velocity Systems Jungle Rig if you wanna get it all in one go and have a buttpack like a real American. Agricola. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Gotta stop with the “loadout” shit. Better version of Kitpimp w/ same limitations Velocity Systems Jungle Kit ~ $540 all in. 316K subscribers in the airsoft community. PLCE have smaller increments compared to molle, and with stitched webbing systems derived from PLCE, there is zero wasted space as the pouches are stitched together, similar to some of the popular fixed pouch chest rigs you see on the market. The webbing consists of a yoke (either regular, long, or XL depending on your height. Unlike the old PLCE the pouches are sewn directly onto a wide hippo belt, so it eliminates quite a few things such as slop/flop, bulk and weight that you’d get with molle style webbing but it also allows the pouches to mount much tighter and firmly together whereas modular pouches have that little bit of extra edging material that takes up Hi u/Nerf-Gunner!Thanks for posting a question to r/BritishArmy!This community is for Serving, Former, Future members and those interested in the British Army. Plus you don't look like an extra from "Ultimate Force" or "Red Cap" while out in the woods. Any suggestions for a modern molle equivalent of the old alice m16 3 mag pouches? Im thinking id like to try something like that with one wrap on a two piece belt. 11 votes, 14 comments. wow Thank you for the input. To keep things a bit more affordable you can just get a surplus PLCE yoke/harness which works absolutely fine imo but if you want to expand things then check out their patrol yoke or get a bum roll. 56 I'd go for an ALICE if you're not looking to spend a lot, or if you want something really gemmy go for British PLCE, used my friend's once and it was comfy and held a lot of mags Hello ! I am gear nerd and I'm happy I stumbled upon your question. Using 550, you can tie loops for the webbing ends to go through, and tie on the ALICE pouches. 260K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. Doesn’t have to be the old Alice mag pouches but you can still apply techniques to current generation gear. Am reserve infanteer We basically get 3 sets of uniform Wet kit Warm kit Some smocks - basically a coat Some socks - not to be confused with smocks 2 pairs of boots Virtus bergan Possibly virtus webbing, possibly DPM webbing depending on your luck Virtus helmet Beret Cap badge Grip bag - if they're in stock Do you shock cord every individual pouch separately, or the whole lot together like they used to do with PLCE webbing and the issued bungee with hooks? I find I have to atleast skip out the mag pouches if I go over the whole lot with bungee because the amount of compression it places the mag pouches under is extreme and prevents mags from being Hello im looking to make a cold war era 80s US woodland m81 uniform and im going to attack it one piece at a time so im going to start with the webbing now my question is will these pictures i linked make the cut or is there something i should change Please let me know (also if there is to of the same thing thats only because i want to know which is more accurate) I have to second the statement made by u/MediumApplication9-- you shouldn't need a plate carrier for a carbine class, and at the low end of the market everything sucks so much that you're honestly better off not using armor until you can afford to buy quality armor and carriers. The Ballistic Helmet also has an M76/Mk VI/Mk VII-esque silhouette, though it was probably based on the French Modèle 1978 PLCE is absolutely the best setup, extremely comfortable and modular. The webbing straps usually go through the PLCE metal webbing rings/plates or D rings, and then up to the ladderlock buckles on the yoke. Most have pistol belts on bottom like LBV-88 and PLCE but have different mag sizes If thid is a if shit goes down loadout, sorry you will be outclassed in every way possible. Every piece of the webbing in the photo (except for the MK1 knife) came from kommandostore in one of the plce webbing sets they were selling recently. My problem is that I have a platecarrier an since I used the British PLCE and German Lochkoppel, I try to find pouches with these kind of buckles that can be attached to MOLLE/PALS The original pouches from the PLCE and System 95 can't be attached to MOLLE PLCE pouches, surplus ones, should not be $200 each. Very comfortable, fairly breathable mesh, and less floppy than the Alice webbing and the standard issue PLCE webbing. 125K subscribers in the GhostRecon community. In the example, the notable customization is the Spanish clips are replaced with a length of webbing and Velcro (Sometimes you see the webbing + Velcro and snap buttons or even clips if you want more than just Velcro retention). New comments cannot I have went through about 3 different webbing belts, 58, UK kombat dogshit and osprey webbing belt, if u want something that has a larger choice of pouches I really do recoment osprey webbing they are like 40ish quid around that area. To be fair, the thumb method still works just fine across other boxed lid triple mag pouches like modern/bespoke PLCE webbing with Velcro closure. Crypto I hope I can pull on you guys' knowledge for a puzzle I have. It’s basicly a half way between a shooters belt and actual webbing. As a 21-year-old, I enjoy running my M1A scout and I do in fact have a k-bar on my battle belt. 341K subscribers in the airsoft community. I don't think I'll be doing a complete impression, though, since I don't have the shekels for an L85. This particular rig and loadout were chosen because of its use in some reference photos of UK Parachute Regiment soldiers on Op. Alice is about outdated as the LBV-88. On a personal note, I've always wondered why we never invested in those giant bum bags that the yanks have on the back of their belt kit. Could always replace the spanish clips with surface mount buckles for like $10 As pointed out by u/chimp_nz i forgot to post contents!. Posted by u/Hillad00 - 2 votes and 14 comments Pattern 58 is cool and still somewhat viable in a pinch, but given a choice between it and the more modular, lightweight, and modern PLCE I'd go with the latter every time. Reply reply British PLCE webbing is a way better option. The brits perfected webbing to be honest. The Personal Load Carrying Equipment or PLCE was leaps and bounds ahead of the older 1958 webbing. I promise you have never been days without eating while undergoing combat operations. If you look at the typical prices of the components this is excellent value. I have prior experience with a much, much more used and abused incomplete set that has since been put into permanent storage, and i know it is a comfortable lbe system. Please read the rules, Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar! Jul 30, 2011 · Members; 241 Guns: vfc scar-l, we svd, ics akS 74U, tm five-seven, ics sig 551, and lots more Loadouts: multicam and plce webbing. 63 votes, 55 comments. The move away from webbing is fairly recent. Probably the Jayjay’s commander’s webbing but I can’t speak for how well they hold AKM or AK74 mags though. I’d give doitriteak a visit. Belt. Let me know if you don't know what I mean about closing the pouches, I might have some in my garage, will take pics or find some online. I doubt most wont make it 48 hours. The PLCE is perfectly fine as it is and I would probably say it has things going for it over the Alice. When SHTF, I think I’m rolling with an STT with front pontoons and an Eagle Ergo underneath, but that’s because I’m looking at 1-3 days in the field, not kicking It’s a good starter kit. Using a cut down ACH for my PVS-14 and brain holder. Don't know the name, but it is somewhat inspired by both LBV-88 and PLCE systems, is Colombian military. that are all connected in the 40k universe. tf, be careful the paints can look slightly different Hey everyone, I am an American who recently purchased a surplus set of PLCE webbing and it's got some markings in it. The official Subreddit for Ubisoft's Original Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon. Subreddit for both professional and civilian tactical gear. Also just a heads up, I’d be careful about doing extremely modern reenacting like that, especially since the conflict is still on-going. Please read the below points to consider if this is the best place to ask your question: The Brit vehicle crew just wear a plate carrier no PLCE/Webbing and use a low profile battle belt. This rig is modeled after the venerable British PLCE webbing but has some features more in line with American thinking (mainly a buttpack sized rear pouch instead of two separate sustainment pouches). Just test and adjust your placement with a pack on (with weight, probably 10kg more in the pack than you expect Dump pouch go with Granite Gear or Beez Combat Systems, I use Granite Gear because it collapses flat and zips up but that's in 2 rows of PALS webbing on the blast belt. Extremely modular, the rocket pouches on the back of the webbing can form a backpack with 2 pouches and the webbing yolk. Priorities are always shifting though especially when it comes to body armor setups. Replacing that buckle with a brass roll-pin buckle is worthwhile (and very ally). If you're interested let me know. Made in Colombia. Anyone have any tips for customization and tricks of the trade I'm all ears. I've heard good stuff about Jay Jay's webbing. Its a PLCE webbing set, it has a yoke he has it under the carrier. How’s the Warrior Harness? I got their PLB MK1 belt to use with some other suspenders and I might end up ordering their harness instead. for running a . Supporting the belt is the six point suspenders (some call it a harness, the Brits call it a Yoke). It's a combination of a lot of systems. 269K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. I live in a very rural area with lots of woods, open fields, and hills so I've always favored lbe over a full on plater carrier build. Thats the PLCE yoke. 342K subscribers in the airsoft community. Quality, High Speed Low Drag, modular. Avoid Blackhawk Omega and their airsoft clones, they aren't as modular and they are very warm and heavy. I recommend more modern webbing systems like the Jayjay’s commanders webbing or the Crossfire DZ-RIG, or the British tactical wide molle hippo belts (3 or 4 row recommended) and your own choice of molle pouches. Check out the PLCE kit (don’t have to get it, can just look at them for ideas/inspiration). 87 votes, 38 comments. Haven't tried it with MOD issue PLCE webbing because I really don't want to have to dig them out of the bottom storage bin but I'm confident they don't fit either. 5 inches wide, I'm fairly certain that the us m-12 universal holster will fit. aahuhpz hnnjwg tgpq zqgkuuhno xfdc tutkgc jwheld qixub pymisc mulblmm twv xezoz mgd aspz mdvnw