
Concord police incident reports archives. Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-4:30 pm.

Concord police incident reports archives com. Box 308 41 Cabarrus Ave W Concord, NC 28026. Records staff also respond to phone calls and assist citizens with lobby service at the counter from 8:00am to 5:00pm. The time, date, location, and nature of a violation or apparent violation of the law reported to the Concord Police Department. Friday 8:30 09. (CALEA). PLEASE DIAL 911. Timothy Ricker, age 53 of Concord NH This collision remains under investigation and the Concord Police Department is asking that anyone who may have witnessed this incident or who may have had a dashboard camera operating at the time is asked to contact the Concord Police Criminal Investigations Division at (603) 225-8600. In order to create an environment in which our Such records within this statute are limited to the following: 1. View the fee schedule for copies of reports. The Concord Police Department said officers responded to a residence on Contact the Police Department. Accident injury reports, use of force reports, and pursuit reports are administrative reports conducted by supervisors and are not subject to discovery. Front copy of incident reports, arrest reports (without the suspect’s Social Security number) and booking photos. How do I obtain a police report? Copies of reports can be obtained by contacting the Records Division at 603-225-8600. Requests for incident reports, and other items can be made in person at the police station, through the U. Email Chief Peck Check the Concord Police Department website: The Concord Police Department maintains a database of all outstanding arrest warrants for individuals who have been charged with a crime in the City of Concord. S. Concord Police Departments make these public records available to the public through direct requests and online databases. Concord Police Department P2C Active Night for Concord Fire & Police Departments CONCORD, NH (May 26, 2021) – Concord Fire Department and Concord Police Department responded to three major incidents last night. Online Report Access. It shall be the policy of the Concord Police Department to respond to and thoroughly investigate all reports of missing or unidentified children and adults. In-Person. Makeeva Laroche, 22, of Concord To obtain copies of Police Reports you can contact the Records Bureau, to confirm the report is ready and releasable, by calling (925) 671-3240. The Concord Police Department is continuing with this investigation and asking anyone with information pertaining to this incident to please contact Detective Evan Cristy of the Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Unit at 603-225-8600. concord police department standard operating procedure organization of the concord police department general order: 02. Concord PD's official Facebook page. Additionally, the Department is staffed with 25 non-sworn full-time positions Administrative Support Staff, Police Dispatchers, and Parking Staff, and 3. com, or you can go through the Concord Police Department. Crime Reports include all reports taken by the police department, in person or by telephone, other than a traffic accident. VISION STATEMENT The success of the Concord Police Department is dependent on a shared vision. 704 Request for Incident Report. It offers direct and support police services to the community through its Records Department and Chief's Office. Police Communications (Non-Emergency) Oct 28, 2024 · Chief of Police MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Deputy Chief John Thomas FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 603-225-8600 Date: October 28, 2024 (CPD # 24-37927) CONCORD, NH – On October 7, 2024 the Concord Police Department responded to Rollins Park to investigate a Shots Fired call for service. 25 per page plus postage (by mail) For all payment or finance questions related to Concord Police Department, Police Department. Sign in to Save Progress. ### City of Concord, New Hampshire POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 5 G r e e n S t r e e t • 03301- 4299 ( 6 0 3 ) 2 2 5 - 8600 FA X ( 6 0 3 ) 2 2 8 - 2703 Feb 18, 2012 · Concord, CA crime, fire and public safety news and events, police & fire department updates Feb 24, 2025 · Fire Chief Thomas Judge reports that the Concord Fire Department responded to a train versus car collision at the Conant Street crossing Sunday evening. — A New Hampshire man is facing charges after police said he threatened someone with a deadly weapon. Request a Copy of Police Incident Report; Obtaining Accident Report; Request Letter of Good Standing; First Responders Emergency Response Database Use this form to lookup your incident report. David Melanson, Age 29 White Male, 5’ 8” tall, 165 Lbs Anyone with any information related to this incident can also anonymously contact the Concord Regional Crimeline at (603) 226-3100. on Monday, and 8 a. , Concord Fire received a report of a crash involving an MBTA commuter rail train heading west to Fitchburg. Our department is dispatched through the Muskingum County dispatch center. 4. A 22-year-old man has been accused of attempted murder and other crimes following a shooting in Rollins Park in what police described as a marijuana deal gone bad. Cancel the “Be on the Lookout” (BOLO); c. All incident reports that list location of incident in the City of Concord shall list only the number, street, and designator (Example: 66 Pine Street, NE). Call - 704-920-5000. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Concord government and non-government sources. @concordncpolice. the Concord Police Department responded to the Shell Gas Station, located at 24 Loudon Road, to investigate the Search North Carolina State Highway Patrol vehicle collision reports and towed vehicle records. For other reports contact the Concord Police Department directly at 925-671-3220. on Tuesday through Friday. 07. To compile, integrate and maintain a central information file of all police incidents, and of activities of persons and places named and/or involved in such incidents as they are reported. Visit the Concord Police Department in person to fill out a Records Request Form. , vehicle accidents involving Sep 18, 2023 · Accident reports serve as official records that provide a comprehensive account of the incident, including the date, time, and location of the accident, the parties involved, and a description of the events leading up to the accident. The Concord Police Department is asking anyone with information regarding this case to please contact Detective Ben Mitchell at (603-225-8600) or to contact the Concord Regional Crime line at (603-226-3100) www. The Concord Police Department is asking anyone with information pertaining to this incident to please contact Detective DeSilvio at 603-225-8600. , Fire and Police were notified of a large dumpster on fire along the railroad tracks behind the Kimball Jenkins Estate. Incident/offense reports and auto crash reports can be obtained through the Central Records office. Call 911 in an emergency. Requests for an official report will need to be made in person, by mail, or through your insurance agent or car accident attorney. com JOINT MEDIA RELEASE Concord Police Department and the New Hampshire State Police Contact: Deputy Chief John Thomas Support Services Division 603-225-8600 (CPD Case# 20-4688-OF) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2023 CONCORD POLICE DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The Concord Police Department had an authorized strength of 90 sworn officers from the rank of Chief of Police through the newest Police Officer. Arrest Logs will only be available for the current week and replaced each new posting. Information can also be submitted anonymously through the Concord Regional Crimeline at 603-226-3100 or online at www. Police Reports (Accident, Incident, Arrests, Q-Sheet. For further information, contact the Records Division, 11 a. Police Communications (Non-Emergency) The Concord Police Department shall use the Telephone Reporting Unit (TRU) in certain instances for incident reporting purposes and to reduce the number of low-priority calls for service. Follow us. Concord, NH 03301. A Concord school bus that veered off the road Friday morning did not have any students on it and there were no injuries, according to Concord Police Department Deputy Chief John Thomas. To obtain copies of Police Reports you can contact the Records Bureau, to confirm the report is ready and releasable, by calling (925) 671-3240. You can search the database by name, date of birth, race, and gender. Clear the located/returned missing person from DCI; d. Jun 5, 2020 · Click here to access the City of Concord’s Monthly Crime Map Dashboard. 08. City of Concord, New Hampshire POLICE D EPARTM EN T You may submit police records requests through San Antonio Police Department (SAPD), including crash reports. CountyOffice. City of Concord, New Hampshire POLICE D EPARTM EN T Feb 3, 2025 · On Wednesday, Dec. The Records Bureau releases records information to the public including police reports and clearance letters. Collision Reports Procedure 70-Concord Police Department Recognition and Awards Program; Procedure 71-Mental Health Crisis Intervention Confiscating Deadly Weapons - 5150 8102 WI Cases; Procedure 73-Honor Guard; Procedure 74-Curfew Enforcement; Procedure 75-Fiscal Management of Revenue Received at Police Department; Procedure 76-Line of Duty Death line next to the applicable report. III. Type of Report: Fees: Incident Letter (for Insurance Purposes) No charge via email; $0. aspx Search Concord Police Department arrests, accident reports and other Requests for incident reports, and other items can be made in person at the police station, through the U. Tips can also be submitted anonymously through the Concord Regional Crimeline at 603-226-3100 or online at www. N. 28. 0 purpose 2023 CONCORD POLICE DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The Concord Police Department had an authorized strength of 90 sworn officers from the rank of Chief of Police through the newest Police Officer. The majority of requests are traffic accident (Crash) reports, or incident (Crime) reports. 2, 2022 Concord Police Department Looks to Add Comfort Dog Concord Police Department is the record holder, the DCI operator shall: a. When a telephone call is received concerning the need for an incident report or The Concord Police Department is a member agency of the Central New Hampshire Special Operations Unit (CNHSOU). ABDUCTED ADULT An individual 18 years of age or older, who has been unwillingly confined, restrained or moved from one place to another. The investigation into the incident began that night. Dept. Concord, Concord Police Department, Concord, California. If the incident Address. Anyone who witnessed this incident and who has not already spoken with police is asked contact the Concord Police Department at 603-225-8600. Mar 4, 2025 · Manchester, NH (March 4, 2025) – A serious scooter accident with injuries was reported late Tuesday night at the intersection of Chestnut St and Concord | Contact Police Accident Reports (888) 657-1460 for help if you were in this accident. Official Sources for Concord Public Records. 7th Floor, Suite 7-11 Memphis, TN 38103. The Patrol Division is the backbone of The Concord Police Department. aspx Search Concord Police Department arrests, accident reports and other You can get a copy of your Concord police report at AccidentReports. The crime occurred within the city limits of Concord, California (PDF) For security purposes, and to prevent fraud, your IP address will be recorded with the report. Our large Concord Nh Police Incident Reportspodcast All library shelters Concord Nh Police Incident Reportspodcast All a wide-ranging Concord Nh Police Incident Reportspodcast All collection, covering Concord Nh Police Incident Reportspodcast All beloved Concord Nh Police Incident Reportspodcast All shonen classics and undiscovered Concord Nh Apr 14, 2021 · Police were notified. The Concord Police Department (CPD) transition to a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management System (RMS) on December 15, 2020, to facilitate the transition to NIBRS. 20. In order to create an environment in which our Copies of State of NH Accident Reports. 🚔🔍 Report steps: 1. Mail, or by emailing the Records Department. 02. The Criminal Investigations Unit at the Concord Police Department is an investigative branch within the Criminal Investigations Division. To obtain an accident report, individuals must complete a request form, which can be . CPD began submitting NIBRS data to the California Department of Justice in February 2021. 41 s. 21 on a simple assault charge after an incident or investigation at the Concord Homeless Resource Center at 238 C ONCORD, NH — A Concord man, arrested dozens of times during the past decade, was arrested again late last month after an incident at the annual Christmas tree lighting event downtown. Print and process hard copies of the DCI actions according to current guidelines. O. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 View on Map. Contact Us. The report will include a copy of the state accident form, officer’s narrative, and photos we took from the scene (if any). The Concord Police Department will supply copies of requested motor vehicle crash reports at no cost to those individuals requesting them. In order to create an environment in which our incident or has any knowledge of what transpired. Aug 7, 2024 · Crash Reports are free of charge if you visit the Records counter or you can access it through the online system. com . 25 per page @ window if printed out; $0. This incident is still under investigation and no arrests have been made. The purpose of this general order is to establish a systematic and logical plan for police response to all hazards, including critical and high-risk incidents, utilizing the Incident Command System (ICS). Any incident required by department policy (e. Page not monitored 24/7. , members of the Concord Police Department responded to an address on Merrimack Street in Penacook to investigate a stabbing. To request an officer to your location or to report a crime, please call (740) 452-3637 and press 1 when prompted. History. The mission of the Concord Police Department is to protect life and property, maintain order and a;empt to resolve the community's needs by coordina9ng the required resources. ) $0. Reporting Party 3. Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-4:30 pm. For other reports contact the Concord Police Department directly at 925-671-3220 . 2. You may not use this site to report a Stolen Vehicle. This Unit responds to and investigates major crimes within the City of Concord. Concord Police Department Dispatch Call Logs are available for view by week, and are uploaded weekly. Companies arrived on scene to The Concord Police Department is nationally accredited by the Commision on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, INC. The Concord Police Department, led by Chief Bradley C. The Concord Police Department is asking anyone with information pertaining to this incident to contact the Criminal Investigations Division at 603-225-8600. m. 22. 16. to 3:30 p. of Public Safety. The Concord Police Department upon receiving a request for a background check, will conduct an internal records database search for the individual requested. Apr 4, 2018 · Type of Report: Fees: Incident Letter (for Insurance Purposes) No charge via email; $0. Access police records in Cabarrus County, NC. You can only lookup reports that were originally entered using this online reporting system. Mar 4, 2025 · Join the Concord Police Department for coffee and conversations on March 20, 8-10 a. , Concord Police and Fire received reports that a truck traveling eastbound on Route 2 near Old Road to Nine Acre Corner had CONCORD, NH – On February 20, 2023 around 4 p. 2 FTE Jan 21, 2025 · CONCORD, NH — Concord police have confirmed an incident in Healy Memorial Park on Friday night was connected to a prior shooting, and a person of interest, a felon with prior criminal history The City Of Concord Police Department, located in Concord, North Carolina is a law enforcement agency that has been granted specific police powers in Cabarrus County. , (CALEA), also known as “the gold standard in public safety”. No other queries of any law enforcement agencies will be conducted. ABDUCTED CHILD Dec 1, 2019 · An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Ways to Report Crimes. 1950 Parkside Drive. Osgood, serves the city of Concord, New Hampshire. 05. 2 TELEPHONE REPORTING UNIT (TRU) A. 24 : Mott 7. 09. " Mailing Address. Release of a report is dependent upon the type of report and circumstances of the investigation / accident / arrest. at The Bean and Bakery as we celebrate the first day of spring. Hours. Concord Police Department P2C (FBI), the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office Drug Task Force, and the Berlin NH Police Department. C. You must provide a valid About Concord Police Department. Filing a false police report is a crime; If you are reporting a lost or stolen license plate, please come to the station to report directly to an Officer Cobb, who began working for the Concord Police Department in 2017, said he decided to conduct a “leg sweep” only after the man struggled to be placed in handcuffs for about 40 seconds, a The Concord Police Department is asking anyone with information pertaining to this incident to please contact Detective Steven Carter of the Concord Police Department at 603-225-8600. concordpolice. Search free police records online for arrest records, incident reports, accident reports, and more from Concord and Kannapolis Police Departments. On Tuesday , Jan. 🚔🔍 The mission of the Concord Police Department is to protect life and property, maintain order and a;empt to resolve the community's needs by coordina9ng the required resources. Records and Licenses Sub Search for and view Sheriff Incident Reports. Chief of Police (704) 920-5007 . The preliminary investigation showed that a 48-year-old male victim, was traveling on the 141 ramp for I-95 northbound. 0 purpose Chief of Police City of Concord, New Hampshire POLICE DEPARTMENT 35 Green Street. Access Concord Police Department's public records and services online through Police To Citizen. Police open records available include: Police reports; Incident reports; Crash/vehicle accident reports (also available through TxDOT Crash Report Online Purchase System) Calls for service; Towing records; 911 calls; Body and dash cam To obtain copies of Police Reports you can contact the Records Bureau, to confirm the report is ready and releasable, by calling (925) 671-3240. 22 Monument Square Concord, MA 01742. The The Concord Police Department is asking anyone with information pertaining to this incident to please contact Detective Steven Carter of the Concord Police Department at 603-225-8600. P. Anyone with any information related to this incident is asked to contact Detective Steve Hemming of the Concord Police Department at 603-225-8600 or the Concord Regional Crimeline at 603-226-3100. Incident Type 2. 19. Police Communications (Non-Emergency) This site allows you to file a police report with the Concord Police Department. 1. Just after 9 p. , assignments involving people in mental health crisis, citizens known to resist the police, citizens known to complain about police service); C. B. Case or Incident number if known Looking for police records & arrest reports in Concord, NC? com/Summary_Disclaimer. To maintain all police reports and files of the department. All of this content is also posted to our official Twitter and Facebook accounts, to ensure our news is seen by as many people as possible! Procedure 70-Concord Police Department Recognition and Awards Program; Procedure 71-Mental Health Crisis Intervention Confiscating Deadly Weapons - 5150 8102 WI Cases; Procedure 73-Honor Guard; Procedure 74-Curfew Enforcement; Procedure 75-Fiscal Management of Revenue Received at Police Department; Procedure 76-Line of Duty Death All Archives: Mott - Healy Park Shooting Update 2. 2, 21. 16, at approximately 10:03 a. The primary function of the Police Department is deterring crime, stopping crimes in progress, investigating crimes, and serving as first responders for emergencies and situations Jan 16, 2024 · CONCORD — Police Chief Thomas Mulcahy and Fire Chief Thomas Judge report that the Concord Police and Fire Department responded to a motor vehicle crash this morning. In July of 2020, CPD began what is typically a three-year process of obtaining national accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. Posting A Concord school bus that veered off the road Friday morning did not have any students on it and there were no injuries, according to Concord Police Department Deputy Chief John Thomas. Police Communications (Non-Emergency) Concord Police Department P2C Copies of State of NH Accident Reports. CENTRAL RECORDS ADDRESS: 170 North Main St. Concord, NC 28025 View on Map. Concord, CA 94519. , officers from the Concord Police Department responded to 1175 Tangle Ridge Drive SE in Concord in reference to a person suffering from a gunshot wound. PHONE: 901-636-3650. 23. Reports are usually ready for pick up within 7 to 10 days. The B. 09. Concord Police Department detectives located the victim who was subsequently transported to Concord Hospital with life-threatening injuries. Town of Concord. Any arrests associated with domestic violence and / or sexual assaults are impounded and not for public release (Reference Massachusetts General Law c. Aug 15, 2023 · The process for obtaining accident reports in Concord, Michigan involves submitting a request through the Concord Police Department. 03301-4299 (603) 225-8600 FAX (603) 228-2703 www. 98F). Concord Police Department P2C The Concord Police Department will supply copies of requested reports at no charge. 1, 12. concordregionalcrimeline. Back to top. Prepare and forward all citations and misdemeanor investigations to the court. Phone: 925-671-2489. At approximately 7:00 p. 07/15/2020 - Watch Chief Bustillos present to the City Council on the Police Department’s Policies, Procedures and Budget (video) See PowerPoint Slides. Required Information For Requests. Traffic and Accident Reports in Concord California, road condition live updates from the news and police records. The following information is available through the system; 1. 2 DEFINITIONS A. A person of interest was identified as: VINCENT MOTT, AGE 33 CONCORD, NH Address. Accident reports filed by Londonderry Police Officers that occurred in Londonderry are available through the Records Department. Police records detail the interactions between law enforcement agencies and individuals, including reported crimes, arrests, investigation reports, and traffic accident details. In person: Visit the Concord Police Department Community Service Desk; Over the phone: Call the Community Service Desk at 925-671-3220; Report a crime in progress or an emergency: Call 911 or 925-671-3333 Request accident reports via the NC Department of Motor Vehicles. 25 per page plus postage (by mail) To obtain copies of Police Reports you can contact the Records Bureau, to confirm the report is ready and releasable, by calling (925) 671-3240. The Role of the Records Bureau. THE INVESTIGATION There were no police-issued video or audio recording devices that recorded the incident. 1 POLICY It shall be the policy of the Concord Police Department to utilize the Incident Command A. City of Concord, New Hampshire POLICE DEPARTMENT Jan 29, 2025 · Savannah Lee Shipley, born 2003, of Concord, received a summons at 6:20 p. Requests for reports can be made at the Concord Police Department in person, or via email. Any incident where a confrontation or conflict with police is known or likely to occur (e. com camera footage be preserved and the Concord Police be notified at 603-225-8600. You can submit a request for reports online, in-person at the address listed below, by mail or fax. H. Concord Police Departments have records of all Police arrests, incident reports, and Police warrants in Concord, NC. Apr 19, 2023 · Anyone with any information related to this incident is asked to contact Detective Steve Hemming of the Concord Police Department at 603-225-8600 or the Concord Regional Crimeline at 603-226-3100. ### The cost of a Police report in New Hampshire typically ranges from $6 to $20, depending on the how you obtain it. Anyone who has information relative to any criminal incident is asked to call the Concord Looking for arrest records & criminal charges in Concord, NC? com/Summary_Disclaimer. 7 INCIDENT REPORTS A. Chief of Police MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Deputy Chief John Thomas FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 603-225-8600 Date: May 8, 2024 CONCORD, NH- On April 9, 2024 at approximately 2:30 a. EMail: Records@concordpolice. 02. ### Report Cost & Payments. 36,024 likes · 473 talking about this · 563 were here. The status of investigations shall be controlled by the use of the department’s Records Management System (RMS), which is maintained by the Customer Service supervisor and operated by authorized coworkers in accordance with department directives. 2 effective date: january 20, 2025 action: amends general order dated june 13, 2024. Incident reports shall follow the guidelines outlined in the NIBRS User Manual. In Welcome to the news blog of the Concord, Massachusetts Police Department! In the entries below, we post our press releases, photo galleries, news alerts, and much more. Concord Police Records 35 Green St. 2 FTE 3 days ago · On March 7, 2025, at approximately 12:50 p. 7 RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A. 24 : Clinton Street & Hooksett Turnpike Fatal Accident 7. Citizens may file certain types of police reports over the phone. 3. You will likely need to provide information such as the report number, your name, drivers license number, vehicle plate number, the date/time of accident, location of accident, who was involved in the accident, your mailing address, phone number, and email. 911 Emergency. 2. 25 per page at the window; Letter of Good Conduct: Inquire with the Records Department. This unit is a regional law enforcement team made up of police officers who receive specialized training from some of the top law enforcement agencies in the country in SWAT Tactics, Critical Incident Management and Crisis Negotiations. A valid form of identification and an email address are required to complete the report. CRITICAL INCIDENT An incident that results in death or serious bodily injury to an individual caused by the actions or inaction of an officer of the Concord Police Department, while an individual is in police custody, or any incident that the Chief or Police, or designee, proclaims to be a critical incident. The victim was located and transported by the Concord Fire Department to Concord Hospital to be treated for injuries which were classified as life-threatening. 06/16/2020 - Read the Concord Police Department’s response to the "8 Can’t Wait" campaign from Chief Mark Bustillos Here’s your guide to obtaining the actual police report for an accident that occurred in Concord, NC. ### City of Concord, New Hampshire POLICE DEPARTMENT The Concord Police Department is asking anyone with information pertaining to this incident to please contact Detective Steven Carter of the Concord Police Department at 603-225-8600. NOTE: IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, OR NEED TO REPORT A CRIME IN PROGRESS, DO NOT USE THIS SITE. The Patrol Division is comprised of uniformed Police Officers who are responsible for a specific geographic sector of the City, referred to as sectors. After completing the entire process you will receive an actual report id and you will be able to print the report for your records. HOURS OF OPERATION: Jan 28: Darlington County sheriff’s Office, SC Traffic Crash Report – How to Obtain Accident Reports concordp2c. During the investigation, the Concord Police Department received several anonymous tips regarding details of the incident. The entire felony case report, except video recordings, shall be reduced to a portable document format (PDF), including page numbers. 8, at 11:30 p. These records serve as a permanent account of incidents and are used for various purposes, such as background checks, legal proceedings, and policy formulation. 24 : Penacook Fatal Chief of Police MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Deputy Chief John Thomas FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 603-225-8600 Date: October 28, 2024 (CPD # 24-37927) CONCORD, NH – On October 7, 2024 the Concord Police Department responded to Rollins Park to investigate a Shots Fired call for service. It is the largest division in the agency, and it is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 01. ### POLICE DEPARTMENT Jul 23, 2024 · Police - Press Releases All Archives: Appleton Street Crash 7. , troopers responded to the 900 block of Concord Avenue in Wilmington, for a report of a road rage incident involving a gun that occurred on I-95. ### The Concord Police Department upon receiving a request for a background check, will conduct an internal records database search for the individual requested. Case or Incident number if known Make all checks payable to "City of Concord. For privacy reasons, you must supply the exact information you supplied when you first submitted the report. 704-920-2100. Requests for reports can be made in person or by completing the Online Request for Police Incident by clicking the link below. 25 North State Street Fatal Accident on Dec. You may not use this site to report any type of Traffic Accident or Hit and Run. your local Police Department or the Concord Police Department at (603) 225-8600. Special Note: If you have a police, fire, or medical emergency, DIAL 911. Report Cost & Payments. This information will only include contacts and involvement with the Concord Police Department. 06/16/2020 - Read the Concord Police Department’s response to the "8 Can’t Wait" campaign from Chief Mark Bustillos Concord Police Department’s Transition to NIBRS. The Concord Police Department offers two ways to obtain a copy of a motor vehicle collision report. Pull the incident report; b. 01 created: april 15, 2016 issued: january 17, 2025 calea standard: 11. Address. The Concord Police Department is responsible for maintaining records of all accidents that occur within its jurisdiction. Public assistance for obtaining reports is available from 11 a. ### City of Concord, New Hampshire POLICE DEPARTMENT 2 days ago · MANCHESTER, N. In Concord, there are currently no online options to obtain car accident reports. on Tuesday through Friday, at 603-225-8600. g. None of the Concord police officers or New Hampshire State Police Troopers are issued body cameras and their cruisers are not equipped with cameras. ### City of Concord, New Hampshire POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 5 G r e e n S t r e e t • 03301- 4299 ( 6 0 3 ) 2 2 5 - 8600 FA X ( 6 0 3 ) 2 2 8 - 2703 Chief of Police MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Lieutenant Thomas Yerkes FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Concord Police Department 603-225-8600 Date: January 16, 2025 Shooting at Rollins Park Concord, NH – On October 7, 2024 at approximately 8:45 p. Records and Licenses Sub-menu. , Concord Police Officers were dispatched to Rollins Park to investigate a Shots Fired call for service. on Jan. xzynp ttojxc wqzycd iaqt dpq aapfl eiwkua mkyk btfr hck dgclc ugr gzyfc mummn urqryw